Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"Well Done" Necklace

It's tough raising kids!  As a parent, it's often easier to dwell on a child's negative behaviour rather then focus on their positive attributes.  We sometimes need to be reminded to dish out more encouraging words, to recognize even the small accomplishments and praise their good behaviour.

I found these scrapbook tags at the $ store and thought it would be neat to make necklaces out of them!

School report cards came out last week and let me tell ya, I was one PROUD mama!  I wanted to recognize Opal and Sapphire's school efforts so I gave them each a handmade necklace made by Moi.

I've been hanging on to these jewelry boxes since Christmas.  I knew they would be reused sooner or later.  I love to hoard craft supplies as you can see!

Cheers everyone, have a wonderful day!


Amanda said...

Those are cute. New follower from the hop.