Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's A Royal Affair Blog Hop! Come Join The Fun!

Welcome to the weekend everyone!  What well laid plans do you have this weekend?  Me, I'm working tommorow, so today I'm gonna "party like it's 1999"!  In other words, I'm very excited to be hosting my very first blog hop! {"D.J.~Let's get this party started" Cue the loud music}

Thanks to this awesome tutorial, I finally figured out how to make my own blog button with a grab box.  Check it out!  I'm not much of a graphic designer but I think this button looks cute!  What do ya think?

3 Jewels In My Crown

This blog party is about letting loose after a stressful week and building online friendships! We want it to be an amazing party and you can make this happen!  Please copy the button above and place it somewhere on your site so that others can join in on the fun!
Everyone ready?  Be sure to leave me a comment that you're following me and I promise to follow you back!


Katrina said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog today, and look at your own blog party! You have arrived! I'm honored to have been invited - thank you!
I'm going to have to check out that tutorial about making a button -- I am not very computer savvy, and even less so with computer graphics of any kind...and all that HTML stuff intimidates me a bit, but I'm going to learn how to make a button, darn it, if it's the last thing I do. Because one day...I would like to start up my own blog party! And when I do...I'm inviting you!
Good luck with your party, and I'll spread the word as best as I can!

gertie @ The Old Block House said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and for hosting the bloghop!

Create With Joy said...

Hi Crystal

I saw your comment on PFCS's blog and stopped by to join the fun! I am a new follower and would love for you to join me at Create With Joy!

While you're there, won't you please share your thoughts on Blog Hops with me? I'm doing a little survey this weekend and your insights would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks and have a FABULOUS weekend!


Cinny said...

Hey! Thanks for inviting me. I'm now following u back. :)

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

Congrats on your first blog hop, hope it is a success!

Kristi said...

Thanks soooo much for your encouraging comment on my blog! It means a lot!
Wow! Your first hosting gig...congratulations! I'm joining in the fun. Haven't learned how to make a button yet...need to check out the tutorial you posted.
Thanks again for stopping by. I'm following you back.
Be blessed~

Moms of all Trades said...

Thanks for stopping by, following back!!

missykade said...

Thank you so much for linking up with the Super Mega Weekend blog hop and for following us :)

Also, thanks for the invite to your first Hop! Best of luck to you!

I was already following you and can't wait to read more of your blog.

Lucas's Journey w/SPD!/lucasjourneyspd

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting- what a cute blog you have! I'm a new follower.

Mariah @ said...

Thanks for the follow! Just returning the favor and stopping by!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the invite, joined your blog hop!

Rachel said...

Hi from your newest follower came over from the blog hop. Thanks the opportunity to add my link. Bunny Giveaway on my blog page stop on by anytime ♥
Sincerely Rachel

Style, Decor & More said...

I'm a new follower from the hop!
I'm going to get your button now and post it on my blog!

Nicole B said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm returning the follow! Your button looks great!
Mom Always Finds Out

Susie B. Homemaker said...

I'm a little late in stopping back by but I'm following you now. lol :p Hope you had a great weekend!


I'm a new GFC follower & hope you will follow me back at . My blog features lots of FREE information about money matters.



Andie said...

I'm already a follower. I added your blog hop button to my collection.
Have a beautiful week!

maiylah said...

hi, congratulations on your first blog hop! thanks for following! followed you back :)

hopefully i can join next week! :)

Nikki said...

I'm a new follower, thank you for hosting this hop!

Nikki said...

Stopping back because you asked my opinion. I absolutely love your blog hop button (it's so cute and cheery!), and the title too. You did an all around awesome job!!

Katrina said...

Okay, checking back in and I see you have 28 entries for your blog ho- that's so cool :) Very successful for your first one! congrats!

Visualized By Christy said...

New follower and love your blog. Thank you for sharing the tutorial link. I am always looking for them.

Have a wonderful day.

Christy M.

petitehermine said...

Thanks for joining my linky and sharing yours! :)