Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine" ~Anne Bronte

The breeze is blowing and I had to get outside!  With my laundry that is!!  Yep, the amount of laundry we do around here never ceases to amaze me!  I wanted to do a cute craft with the kids that would incorporate laundry, so I found these two crafts and got to work making them!

It never fails, two socks go into the washer and only one comes out! Where does the other sock go? Can someone please explain this mystery to me? Until we find the missing mate I have a place to hang the lonely sock!  I used foam letters with sticky backing and clothespins. Simple and adorable!

Ok, is this not simply precious?  I thought the kids needed to have a clothesline for their doll clothes!

  • Stakes from Micheals $1.29 each
  • Mini clothes pins $2.99 for a bag of them from Micheals
  • Clothes cut from felt $1.00
  • Pink twine from any hardware store.  We had some in the garage so not sure how much it costs
Two simple ways to enourage the kids to harness nature's energy!!! 


Huguette En said...

This is cute :)

My Heart said...

That whole missing sock thing? I figure it's the same group of elves that come in and steal the lids to all my rubbermade. No?

Found your blog through Canadian Mom Bogs Network.

Crystal said...

Ooooh, that makes sense! And all this time I was blaming my husband for leaving the mismatched tupperware in his car!(along with the coffee mugs!) I wonder why those elves take pleasure in tormenting us?