We brought our baby Easter chick home and gave him a chance to warm up to his new environment.
We did this by building him a nest in our backyard. Friends, this is serious business! The battery operated chick had to have his own nest in our backyard!!!! It's times like these, I wish I was 7 again.
I was pleasantly surprised by how serious Sapphire took her new parenting role!
So would you be prepared if you had to raise your own Easter Chick? You can read all the books you want, search the web, participate in online forums and ask your friends for advice, but are you ever truly ready for what it takes to be a parent? Parenting a pet is more then just providing food, water and a soft place to land. It's about love, attentiveness and education. It truly is a responsibilty! Much like raising a child!
Feeding a pet is the number one priority! Easter chicks require special food, don't ya know!! Our baby chick prefers fresh worms from our garden box.
A backyard biology lesson may be necessary. I won't say it~of course I will, "What came first, the chicken or the egg?" I had to inform my 3 jewels as to where chicks come from.
Playing with your new pet was the best part! We put together a bird seed sensory box for our baby chick to peck around in.
This was Pearl's favorite part of raising our chick. I couldn't pull her away from the sensory box!
*Note* The calendar might indicate that Spring has arrived but we're still wearing our hats and snowsuits around here! Yep, we're crazy Canucks and that's how we role! A lil cold weather aint gonna stop us from having a good time.
Nap time got a little bit tricky! We couldn't decide where our baby chick should sleep!
That's when I challenged them to put together their very own bird nest creation!
Take a look at Sapphire's nest...
Now check out Opal's nest...
It was quite obvious to my 5 year old, that Easter chicks sleep in a tub filled with jelly-beans. I had no argument! I'd sleep in a tub filled with jelly-beans too if I could!
We also chose a suitable book to read to our new pet! I highly recommend this book if you are thinking of adopting a a baby chick!
As you can see, raising a baby chick isn't all what it's cracked up to be!! {pardon the pun}
In the end, my 3 jewels did extremely well! Now it's just a matter of deciding which pet is suitable for our active family. Any suggestions?