Monday, April 4, 2011

We've Moved To Wordpress!!!!

My friends,
It's time!!! Please follow me to my brand new wordpress site!  As of today, you'll find me at my new home address!!  Wow, feels so amazing to have my own [.com]!
Hurry, what are ya waiting for!  Come see my fabulous new site.  I'll be posting all the details tommorow!  For now, I just need to show it off!  I two great people to thank, but I want to dedicate a full post to them, so stay tuned!!!!

Again, my new home is................

Friday, April 1, 2011

Tea Biscuits With Apples And Cinnamon Spread

There’s nothing more comforting then a warm slice of apple pie topped with whip cream.   Today’s recipe is inspired by this classic dessert!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Raising An Easter Chick-Our New Pet Trial Run

My three jewels have been begging me for a new pet lately!  Our dog, Bailey, is getting older and a little less interactive with the kids.  I figured a trial run was necessary before we committed to bringing home any new creature.  We decided to adopt and raise a Easter chick for a week {sorta}  I'm not new at this parenting thing!!  I knew that if we brought home a new, soft, cuddly creature, I'd have better chances of winning the "Mrs Universe" competition then I would have trying to get rid of a new pet.   So we adopted the battery operated kind.  Yep, I'm that kinda MOM!  

We brought our baby Easter chick home and gave him a chance to warm up to his new environment.
We did this by building him a nest in our backyard.  Friends, this is serious business!  The battery operated chick had to have his own nest in our backyard!!!!  It's times like these, I wish I was 7 again.

I was pleasantly surprised by how serious Sapphire took her new parenting role!

So would you be prepared if you had to raise your own Easter Chick?  You can read all the books you want, search the web, participate in online forums and ask your friends for advice, but are you ever truly ready for what it takes to be a parent?  Parenting a pet is more then just providing food, water and a soft place to land.  It's about love, attentiveness and education.  It truly is a responsibilty!  Much like raising a child! 

Feeding a pet is the number one priority!  Easter chicks require special food, don't ya know!!  Our baby chick prefers fresh worms from our garden box.

A backyard biology lesson may be necessary.  I won't say it~of course I will, "What came first, the chicken or the egg?"  I had to inform my 3 jewels as to where chicks come from.

Playing with your new pet was the best part!  We put together a bird seed sensory box for our baby chick to peck around in.  

This was Pearl's favorite part of raising our chick.  I couldn't pull her away from the sensory box!

*Note*  The calendar might indicate that Spring has arrived but we're still wearing our hats and snowsuits around here!  Yep, we're crazy Canucks and that's how we role!  A lil cold weather aint gonna stop us from having a good time.

Nap time got a little bit tricky!  We couldn't decide where our baby chick should sleep!
That's when I challenged them to put together their very own bird nest creation!
Take a look at Sapphire's nest...

Now check out Opal's nest...

It was quite obvious to my 5 year old, that Easter chicks sleep in a tub filled with jelly-beans.  I had no argument!  I'd sleep in a tub filled with jelly-beans too if I could!

We also chose a suitable book to read to our new pet!  I highly recommend this book if you are thinking of adopting a a baby chick! 

As you can see, raising a baby chick isn't all what it's cracked up to be!! {pardon the pun}
In the end, my 3 jewels did extremely well!  Now it's just a matter of deciding which pet is suitable for our active family.  Any suggestions? 


Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's A Royal Affair Blog Hop! Come Join The Fun!

Welcome to the weekend everyone!  What well laid plans do you have this weekend?  Me, I'm working tommorow, so today I'm gonna "party like it's 1999"!  In other words, I'm very excited to be hosting my very first blog hop! {"D.J.~Let's get this party started" Cue the loud music}

Thanks to this awesome tutorial, I finally figured out how to make my own blog button with a grab box.  Check it out!  I'm not much of a graphic designer but I think this button looks cute!  What do ya think?

3 Jewels In My Crown

This blog party is about letting loose after a stressful week and building online friendships! We want it to be an amazing party and you can make this happen!  Please copy the button above and place it somewhere on your site so that others can join in on the fun!
Everyone ready?  Be sure to leave me a comment that you're following me and I promise to follow you back!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Sun Jar Night Light

Hello everyone,
Sorry I haven't posted much this week but I promise I have a really good excuse!  I've been working extremely hard behind the scenes of 3 Jewels In My Crown.  I'll explain more next week but for my fellow bloggers, here's a hint~Wordpress and GoDaddy!  

I wanted to share one final project with you before we head into the weekend.  Have you heard of sun jars yet?  I came across this cute idea awhile back and have been waiting for an excuse to make one.  In keeping with this week's challenge, to cut back on our household's energy consumption, I decided I would make a sun jar nightlight.   


All you'll need is the top section of a solar powered garden stake, a decorative glass jar and some ribbon.  I also added some bright yellow glitter for added charm.  You can glue the top to the jar or leave it unattached.  Can you think of anything better then a environmentally friendly night light!
This would be a great "get better soon" gift or Mother's Day gift!
I think I might make another for our bathroom.  There's nothin' worse then walking into the wall when your trying to go piddle in the middle of the night!  I hope you enjoyed today's craft project!
Have a great weekend everyone! 

Project details
Cost:  $5
Difficulty level:  Easy
Linking up here and here

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Scratching The Surface-Getting Your Child Tested For Allergies

Allergies, it's something we as parents begin to think about, the moment we find out we're expecting.  We've heard and read about all the warnings..."Honey can harbor poisonous botulism spores", "do not feed egg whites to your baby before the age of one", "don't eat peanut butter while your pregnant", "owning a pet will decrease your child's chances of developing animal allergies"....the list is ongoing and the "rules" can often become very confusing. 
It's impossible to cover all the information surrounding allergies and allergy testing in a single blog post, so today I'll basically "scratch the surface" in regards to allergy testing.  Specifically, the skin scratch method.

In this previous post, I discussed the fact that Opal suffers horribly from a slew of environmental allergies.  Last summer, I found him in the kitchen, scratching his tongue with a fork!  Yikes!  I knew then, it was time to request a formal allergy panel test.  After researching which allergist I would like Opal to see, I approached our family doctor for a referral.  Researching your specialist may seem foreign to some but I feel it is a necessary part of making an informed health care decision.  Here in Canada we have this little website called Rate My MD,  I'm not sure how accurate it is, but I think it's interesting to see how others view specific physicians.  In our province, it's nearly impossible to request which family physician you want.  In fact, most consider themselves lucky if they have a family physician.  However, you can request  a referral to any specialist! Keep in mind this may affect your wait time.  Anyway, after listening to personal stories, talking to other health professionals and doing a little homework, we decided to drive 1 1/2 hour north to see a highly regarded allergist by the name of Dr. Hummel. 

So Crystal, explain what allergy testing is!
Well guys, there are two methods to test for an allergy~the skin prick test or a blood test.  Opal had a skin prick aka skin scratch testing.  The best part about this method ~ NO NEEDLES were involved!
Here's how it all went down in the office...

  • We briefly discussed Opal's allergy history and types of reactions
  • The doctor wipes his back with a alcohol swab
  • The allergy panel is a metal plate with several rounded prongs.  The doctor applies the protein, of the allergens in question, to several of the prongs and then gently presses it against his back.  He sections off the back into categories (food, animals, shellfish, trees, household allergens..) by marking his back with a pen.  
  • He then slightly scratches the surface of the skin with a "little pricker" (not sure what the technical term for it is)  Anyway, not once did Opal jump, squirm, or squeal.  In fact, at one point he said, "that tickles"
  • Next, Opal gets to draw a picture for 15 minutes while we wait for the results.
What is the allergist looking for in a "positive" result? (*Note-There is a high rate of false positive results when performing the skin prick test.  People with eczema or sensitive skin should be especially cautious as both can cause positive test results when there is no allergy. Skin prick results should be considered along with history of reaction and possibly blood testing)  If there is little or no skin reaction then the result is deemed negative.  The allergist observes the area for hives and welts.  He documents the size of the welt for future referencing.  In some instances, the skin prick test can cause a severe allergic reaction, known as anaphylaxis, but this is highly unlikely with this method of testing.   
Within seconds, Opal's back became EXTREMELY itchy and as suspected welts began to form.  I wish I had taken a picture with my cell phone but I figured the doctor would have instantly pegged me as a "neurotic mother".  When the testing was finished he applied a thin layer of cream (darn I didn't ask what it was but I'm assuming it was possibly a topical antihistamine)

So what is Opal allergic to?  A better question would be, what isn't Opal allergic to?
Homework, early bedtimes, green vegetables and his siblings!!!  Oh wait, that's what he told his teacher he was allergic to the day after the test was done!  
What did the test actually reveal?  Well friends, my poor sensitive little baby boy has severe allergies to trees, grass, horses, cats, dogs, dust mites, shell fish and quite possibly some fresh fruit!    

Why would I want to share this personal experience on my blog?  Well, we've kinda gotten close over the past 11 months and I'm pretty much an open book at this point!  Actually,  it's my hope that, by sharing our personal experience with allergy testing, you'll be better informed and less anxious if your child has to be tested for allergies.     
Do you have any questions in regards to allergies or allergy testing?  Again, I'm a practicing Registered Nurse but most importantly a MOM of 3 Precious Jewels,  no question is ever too silly to ask!  So fire away!  

***Important Medical Disclaimer***
The contents and information on this blog is  for your informational use only.  My blog posts provide general health and parenting information.  This information is not to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition.  Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this blog.